

1 Getting started with PageSpinner...

  1. Introduction
  2. Learn the basics about HTML
  3. How do I create a Home Page?
  4. How do I preview a HTML page?
  5. HTML line breaks
  6. Adding a link to another page
  7. Transfer HTML files to a HTTP Server
  8. How do I use the HTML Assistant?
  9. What to do next

2 PageSpinner Basics

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. International Characters
  4. Keyboard shortcuts
  5. Adding Keyboard Shortcuts
  6. Mouse Shortcuts
  7. Modifying User Tags
  8. Modifying Colors in the Text Menu
  9. Shareware and Distribution Info

3 HTML Examples

  1. Introduction
  2. Miscellaneous
  3. Frames
  4. JavaScript
  5. Style Sheets

4 PageSpinner Includes

  1. Introduction to PageSpinner Includes
  2. Case Study: Our Company
  3. Summary
  4. Syntax of PageSpinner Includes
  5. Tips and Hints

5 AppleScript

  1. Introduction to AppleScript with PageSpinner
  2. Getting started with AppleScript
  3. Database Publishing
  4. FAQ-Spinner
  5. TextSpinner
  6. MailSpinner
  7. AppleScript Menu
  8. Demo Scripts
  9. AppleScript Dictionary

6 Miscellaneous

  1. What's new in version 2.1 ?
  2. What was new in version 2.0 ?
  3. Tips & Tricks
  4. Database Publishing Kit
  5. PageSpinner TechNotes
  6. Spun with PageSpinner
  7. PageSpinner FAQ

PageSpinner is © 1995-1999 Optima System.
All rights reserved.